Paragraph Writing Tips and Tricks

Paragraph Writing Tips and Tricks

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Paragraph Writing Tips and Tricks

Do you want to learn how to write a paragraph? Then, of course, there was a request to read the article from beginning to end.

We should all know about paragraph writing tips and tricks. So in this post, I am sharing with you – definition of a paragraph, types of paragraph writing, characteristics of a paragraph writing, what are the steps in writing a good paragraph, paragraph writing process with example etc.

Definition of Paragraph Writing – Paragraph Writing Tips and Tricks

A paragraph is a minimum unit of literary composition in which a group of related sentences deal with a single topic or develop a single idea.

A paragraph has a beginning, a middle and an end. The main idea is usually defined or stated in the topic sentences ( usually the first sentence in a paragraph ). The beginning of the paragraph must be informative or announcing or may be catchy.

A paragraph may open with a definition, an issue, a quotation, an asserting statement, a quick anecdote or a brief condensed sentence.

The main idea is stated in the middle. There must be a gradual progression of thought. It must be developed step by step or point by point. The devices used in this section are description, narration, explanation, classification, exemplification, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, and argument and counter-argument etc.

The concluding part should pull together the subject. It should summarize or synthesize all that has been stated before. It should bring the composition to a close.

Types of Paragraph Writing

There are five types of paragraphs. a) Descriptive b) Narrative c) Reflective d) Expository and e) Imaginative.

Characteristics of a Paragraph Writing

The two basic characteristics of a paragraph are – a) Unity and b) Coherence.

a) Unity

A paragraph should have thematic unity. Each paragraph must deal with a single theme or controlling idea. A central idea will control the whole paragraph. This idea will be spread with a logical sequence of thoughts or ideas or a sequence of content.

Besides, the paragraph must have a sense of direction. The ideas should be developed systematically and logically.

b) Coherence

A paragraph should have coherence. Unity is connected with singleness of idea ( one main idea ), but coherence is connected with relatedness ( how the sentences are logically related ).

Each sentence in a paragraph should thus be linked to the preceding one as well as the following one.

The devices by which coherence can be achieved are pronouns, repetition of keywords and thoughts, synonyms and linkers.

What are the steps in writing a good paragraph? How to Write a good paragraph step by step. How to write a good English paragraph.

If points or outlines of a paragraph are not given, you need to think about a few main points first. Later you have to find out how many sub-points of those main points. If a paragraph has an outline or direction or the main point, your job is to develop those points.

a) How to develop paragraph writing

Firstly, read the points over and over again carefully and then think of the points. Then try to find out if you have any information about that. See if there is any information gap between the points, if any, fill it.

Firstly, you have to introduce the subject. Usually one has to introduce something with the need of a person, object or place, importance, why famous, relevance, who or what was, etc.

Then explain the points, give examples, compare and analyze. That is, try to write something.

In conclusion, you have to try to sum up everything.

b) Use of language

Firstly, you have to focus on the use of language. You can use both long and short sentences to add variety to the paragraph.

For this, you have to use a single clause and multi – clause sentences and active and passive sentences. The sentences must be connected to the first and next sentence. No sentence will come suddenly.

To keep this connection, you can use pronoun, repetition, synonyms, communicating words such as – and, or, but, firstly, secondly, further, besides, moreover, however, about all, because, as, since, if, therefore, as a result, then etc.

c) Revising

Revising is a very important stage in the writing process. It involves checking that your content and purpose are clear and appropriate during a particular writing situation.

Besides checking spelling, punctuation and grammar, it involves arranging, changing, adding, leaving out words and so on.

while revising remember the following points:

i) Change the order of your writing, whenever necessary, to note the content or purpose clearer.

ii) Add parts, especially to link ideas and leave out parts which are unnecessary.

iii) Write a similar idea in a different way.

iv) Write one word for another.

v) Combine two or three sentences into one, by leaving out unnecessary words and phrases.

vi) Split long sentences into two or three shorter sentences.

vii) Correct grammatical errors, punctuation and spelling.

Also, Note – The first and the last sentences of a paragraph are very important. The first sentence arouses a reader’s interest. The last satisfies the interest so aroused. So these two sentences must be made as attractive as possible.

Paragraph Writing Process with Example

i) Defining

A triangle is a figure having three sides and three angles. When we can’t understand a thing. When we can’t find out the truth about it and wonder what it is or where it came from or what it contains, we say that it is a mystery.

ii) Explaining

A newspaper is a mirror of the world. It gives us news of places, persons, events and things. It shows the incidents not only of
our country but also the whole world. Thus it acts as a mirror.

iii) Exemplifying

There are many kinds of activities, that help people in keeping their body fit like walking, jogging, swimming etc.

iv) Classifying

There are two types of fibres – natural and synthetic. The sources of natural fibres are plants, animals and worm. Synthetic fibres are of three types – wood pulp, coal and petroleum.

v) Describing

The school was decorated with flags, festoons and lights.

vi) Narrating

Dr. Homi Jahangir Bhaba, the great Indian scientist, died at a plane crash.

vii) Comparing

Rahul behaved like a fool. The cloth is as white as snow.


I have discussed the above paragraph writing tips and tricks. I hope this post will be very useful to you. If you want to write a good paragraph, then you must follow all the above.

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